I am continually impressed by the environmentalist actions and struggle which I catch glimpses of in the news. But, who am I to be impressed? Rather, it gives me joy and hope to see a group of individuals so dedicated to such an important cause. While a friend of mine finds these videos depressing, because she feels there is no recourse or hope to be had, because changes must occur on a higher lever, and while I agree to some extent, I find that the manner in which these youth conduct themselves is inspiring, to say the least. I could go on, but I think its unnecessary.
What I do find important to say is that the struggle for Teghut, or Qajaran, or any of the numerous beautiful regions of Armenia being threatened by mining is not just an environmental one, which is in and of itself exceedingly important (the impending environmental disasters are enormous, as well as there sequelae), but one for all of Armenia, as a nation. I can't put it any better than Mariam Sukhudyan herself - watch the whole video, but especially 10:03-10:11
"...Ոնց որ հայաթափության ծրագիր ա իրականացվում։ Ամեն ինչ արվում ա որ Հայաստանը առանց հայերի՝ այդ նախագիծն իրականացվի..."
Roughly Translated: As though a plan to empty Armenia of Armenians [Hayataputyun] is being realized. Everything is being done so that an Armenia without Armenians, that plan, is realized...
Addendum: There is much more to be said on this issue of հայաթափության (Hayataputyun) - more to come soon.
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3 weeks ago
"...Պետք է զբաղվենք մեր ազգային անվտանգության համար ամենակարևոր հարցով` դա այն է, որ երկիրը դատարկվում է: Եվ այդ հարցի պատասխանը Ցեղասպանության ճանաչումը չէ: Մեզ համար այդ հարցի պատասխանը ավելի հիմնական է, ավելի կարևոր է պատմականորեն, և ես չեմ կարծում, որ Ցեղասպանության զոհերը պետք է ուզեն, որ ինչ-որ մի երկրի խորհրդարան Ցեղասպանությունը ճանաչի, բայց փոխարենը` կորցնենք այն բնակչությունը, որն այսօր կազմում է մեր հանրապետությունը:" These words are by Gerard Libaridian in an interview published in Mardik.am (24.12.2011)
It is sad, but real, that citizens of Armenia are leaving their country on the one hand and on the other hand political figures in power, beginning with Serjik to Lfik Samo are oblivious about this issue and concerend with tearing down the Pak Shuka (indoor market) and creating parking for those who have SUVs...Goodness Gracious!
Talking of priorities...
As a clarification, the english words following the quote are not a translation, but an apparent commentary by Sismassis.
Perhaps, Sismassis, you can put in a rough translation?
Roughly translated, Dr. Libaridian is saying that we need to be aware of how the Republic of Armenia is being emptied of Armenians.What is more crucial to us today,is not that foreign Parliament accept the existence of the Armenian genocide , but for us to realize that the Republic of Armenia is losing its population.
I came upon this so called "documentary" that shows how far back Armenia History goes. It is an interesting video...and then I thought soon, there will be no Armenia...
I would addend that translation just a bit... (below is my rough translation)
...We need to be working on that problem/issue which is most important to our national security, that is, that the country is emptying. And the answer to that problem is not the recognition of the Genocide. For us, the solution to that [former] problem is more fundamental and more important to us from a historical point of view, and I don't think that the victims of the Genocide would want the recognition of the Genocide by some country's parliament, and/but in return for us to lose that population which today makes up our republic...
what a joke, pot calling the kettle black. libaridyan was part of the coterie of despots who presided over the depopulation of armenia 20 yrs ago.
discredited comments from a failed academic and a failed politician.
As you are saying: "libaridyan was part of the coterie of despots who presided over the depopulation of armenia 20 yrs ago."
Now that Libaridian is no more (in your own words)"part of the coteri of despots", why pray tell me do we still have depopulation of Armenians in Serjik's time?
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