Thursday, October 15, 2009

And it was done... What a perfect marionette...

This is another great one, taken off of facebook - I have no idea who did it, but it is excellent, especially in light of the revelation Kommersant on October 12th which was not widely dispersed, if at all, in the English media:

Положение спас глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров: в последний момент он передал армянскому коллеге записку, текст которой оказался в распоряжении "Ъ". В ней господин Лавров посоветовал молча подписать протоколы и разойтись. Что и было сделано.

Which, roughly translated, says: The situation was saved by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov; at the last minute, he handed a note to his Armenian colleague [Nalbandyan], whose text was made available to Kommersant. In it, he advised [Nalbandyan] to quietly sign the protocol and leave. And it was done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nalbandian, the midget who doesn't know he's the laughing stock in the Protocols Circus Act!