Transcriber: what about when he had said his life had been threatened earlier on – what was the reaction?
Anna: We never heard about that…
Aram: Let's say it like this… if that was the case, then the Kocharyan government had a responsibility to investigate that, it was never confirmed or re-affirmed…
Transcriber: What was the reaction to the fact that he had just said…
Aram: The announcement from the LTP campaign was to Artur Baghdassaryan to not fall to the trap of the government, do the right thing for his supporters and joint the opposition, and if not he would be a davajan, and end up in Armenian political life as an oblivious person…the people had mixed reactions… he thought he was going to win…
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3 weeks ago
I think 'shtab' is a 'local campaign office'.
Thanks Nazarian, you're right, it is exactly that.
Some words were translated, some weren't - the language seems to be a mix of russian, armenian and english - which most are used to.
I left these words as I found them.
For those who aren't familiar:
Marshuts are the Soviet style vans that are a major form of transportation within and between cities/towns.
Davajan - is a traitor.
Azatutyan Hraparak - is Freedom Square.
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